All requests and remarks posted on this blog, have been shared with the developers of the concerning products. The Feature Requests blog is my independent way of sharing, and recording both ideas and annoyance about software. Improvement is the main goal.

donderdag 30 oktober 2014

A larger Edit HTML input window in Muse.

Since Muse is great for designing, but a bit limited in features,
once in a while a lot of code is needed to get what you want.

I'm happy to work on a 30" monitor.
But Muse gives me an unstretchable window for HTML-input.
So I can only see 15 lines at a time. Why not gige us the possibility to scale it?


donderdag 23 oktober 2014

Lock After Effects Compositions

When working with complex Projects, it would be convenient to prevent certain Compositions from changing.

woensdag 22 oktober 2014

More specs for After Effects Preview

After Effects is very picky when it comes to real time previewing. It wants us to select a zoom level that correspondents with the resolution, does not like >8bits color, and is slow when a color workspace is selected for the project.

Why not give the user the option to ignore these and let it preview without workspace and in 8 bits or whatever we slect for the preview? Maybe even the codec?

Now we can only select Resolution and framerate.

maandag 20 oktober 2014

Open Adobe documents by double clicking the file in Finder

In the past, we could double click a file, resulting in the Mac starting the application associated with it, and then opening the clicked file.

But since these fancy and helpful splash-screens (Ae, Ai), what's new promo's and new document dialog-things, this no longer works.

When a file is double clicked, the application starts, and the splash screens show, but the document is not opened.

Very annoying.

Please repair this.

dinsdag 7 oktober 2014

Dutch translation of 'backspace' in Apple TV

In Dutch Apple TV's search menu, there are two options at the bottom of the alphabet: 'verwijder' en 'wis', which both are synonyms. (Both meaning 'delete').
So each time I need backspace, it's not clear which option to use. Wouldn't it be better to use the backspace-arrow of the Apple keyboards?